Tax and Fee Bills
Our Representatives in District 1, 2 and 3 that are running for reelection have a record of voting for new taxes and fees. Fortunately, if they passed both the House and Senate the Governor vetoed them. Thank you Governor Sununu! Seventeen tax or fee increases were...
Carroll County GOP HQ
The Carroll County Republican Headquarters is taking shape thanks to the MWV Republicans and Chairman of the Carroll County Republicans. Great job. Also thanks to Carl Thibodeau for the space. We will be open soon!
Our Candidates
Some of our candidates recently attended a presentation from the Mount Washington Housing Coalition's Harrison Kanzler about "Affordable" Housing.
How Your Reps Voted
In order to prepare for the upcoming election of State Representatives, you may want to see a record of how your current reps voted. This sheet was compiled from the records kept at the state legislature's website. How Your Reps Voted [PDF]
Friends, You are on the official Mount Washington Valley Republican Committee of NH’s website. This page is the only official Facebook page for the Mount Washington Valley Republican Committee of NH. Our official Twitter is...
Seven File for Office
It is with great pleasure I announce the following candidates are filing for northern Carroll County state representative. District 1 Ray Gilmore from Bartlett District 2 Karen Umberger, Frank McCarthy, Wendy Richardson District 3 Mark McConkey, Nicole Nordlund...
Election Night Watch Party
Join us at the Official Trump Victory Primary Night Celebration! We will be hosting the Official Trump Victory First in the Nation Celebration at Murphy's Carriage House & Taproom in Bedford. Come join the Trump Victory team, top campaign leaders, and other proud New...
Christmas Party Pictures
We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and plan on a Happy and Healthy New Year. Every year the American Legion Post 95 prepares Christmas dinner for members of the Community. They also deliver meals to shut ins. Great Community service. It is really a...
“The People” Focus Groups in NH
Join this bold effort taking place across party lines to come together and take action with The People of New Hampshire. All voices are invited to tackle our shared concerns together. Not left. Not right. Forward. Kickoff Event Details Five events across New Hampshire...
Corky Messner Town Hall
North Conway Town Hall with Candidate for US Senate Corky Messner Date and Time: Tue, December 17, 2019 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM EST Location: North Conway Community Center, 78 Norcross Circle, Conway, NH 03860 Ask YOUR questions and learn more about how Corky is going...